General information
IRENA - Istrian Regional Energy Agency Ltd. Labin, was founded in 2009 by the County of Istria. According to the program IntelligentEnergy Europe (IEE), IRENA was established as an independent nonprofit organization, providing advisory services to the public in form of information, help in raising awareness, training, etc., to local decision makers on energy issues in the public and private sectors, households and citizens. We encourage energetics in Istria with conventional energy sources and the promotion of energy efficiency, with the possibility of using renewable energy sources and cogeneration.
The development of the company as well as its operation is closely connected to the development and quality of the living conditions. We want to be a quality link in the functioning of all energy branches within the Istrian County. The activities and efforts regarding the education of our citizens on energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources and cogeneration present a special challenge and they are necessary due to the rising cost of conventional energy sources on the world market and the problems caused by global warming.
The EU today operates about 400 regional and local energy agencies.
The main objectives:
- Promotion of energy efficiency
- Energy savings in public and private sector
- The use of renewable energy sources
- Cogeneration
- Environmental protection