Citizens' information

Find here all the practical information related to the funding of projects from the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources as well as all information about their technical characteristics.

  • CroPSSF (Croatian Private Sector Support Facility) - Credit line for the support of the private sector in Croatia
  • Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund
  • UNDP Croatia (United Nations Development Programme)
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Croatian bank for reconstruction and development (HBOR)
  • Croatian energy market operator Ltd. (HROTE)
  • Croatian energy regulatory agency (HERA)
  • Energy sources

CroPSSF (Croatian Private Sector Support Facility) - Credit line for the support of the private sector in Croatia

The CroPSSF is a targeted line of credit for Croatian companies  (in certain cases even private households) which wish to invest in the technologies of energy efficiency  (CroPSSF Sustainable Energy) and/or the improvement of the quality of products, with the implementation of EU standards (CroPSSF Competitiveness). The credit lines in the amount of  80 million Euro combined with a grant component from the EU up to the amount of 20% will be ensured by the EBRD to sub-credit Croatian companies through local partner banks.

For more information: see

Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund

In line with the provisions of the Law on environmental protection the Fund is established to ensure additional means to fund projects,  programs and similar activities in the field of environmental preservation, sustainable use, protection and improvement.
In accordance with the provisions of the Energy Law the Fund is established with the aim of participating with its own means in the financing of national energy programs, bearing in mind  the achievement of energy efficiency, that is the use of renewable energy sources.
In line with the dispositions of the Law on the Environmental protection and energy efficiency fund the Fund is established to finance the preparation, implementation and development of programs and similar activities in the field of environmental preservation, sustainable use, protection and improvement and in the field of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. 

For more information: see

UNDP Croatia (United Nations Development Programme)

The UNDP is a worldwide UN network for development, an organization which upholds changes and the linking of states through knowledge, experience and the respective potentials in order to enable the citizens to make their life better. It is active in 166 states, helping them to find their own solutions as to the challenges of global and national development. In the development of local capacities those states rely on the experts of the UNDP and a large range of its partners.

For more information: see

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

The mission of the  EBRD is first of all to finance projects in the private sector (banks, production, entrepreneurship) which cannot find a source of funding on the market, but only those projects which help in the transition towards a democratic society and market economy in the area ranging from Middle Europe to Middle Asia. The EBRD offers long-term loans with convenient interest rates, buys capital shares,  issues various guarantees and finances leasing and trade. Through its donor funds it offers technical assistance and consulting services to local companies. In accordance with its mission more than 80% of the portfolio of EBRD activities refers to the private sector whereas the remaining 20% refers to activities in the public sector. The sectorial division of the portfolio of the EBRD is: 26% financial sector, 22% infrastructure, 20% business sector, 18% energy sector, 14% micro and small enterprises.

For more information: see

Croatian bank for reconstruction and development (HBOR)

The Croatian bank for reconstruction and development is the development and export bank of the Republic of Croatia whose main task is to foster the development of Croatian economy.  
Through credit financing, the protection of exports from political and commercial risks, the issuing of guarantees and through business counseling activities, the HBOR wishes to close the gap between entrepreneurial ideas and their realization with the objective of strengthening the competitiveness of Croatian economy. 

For more information: see

Croatian energy market operator Ltd. (HROTE)

The Croatian energy market operator Ltd. (HROTE) started with its work on April 4th,2005. The HROTE is responsible for  the organization of the electrical energy market as public service, under the supervision of the Croatian energy regulatory agency.

The main tasks of the company are to:

  • issue the Courses of action on the market of electrical energy (Market rules),
  • keep record of contractual obligations between entities on the market of electrical   energy,
  • keep record of incentivized buyers,
  • keep record of suppliers,
  • draw-up a day ahead market plan,
  • calculate load balancing electrical energy,
  • collect a fee for the promotion of the production of electrical energy from renewable sources of energy and  cogeneration from suppliers of incentivized buyers and suppliers of tariff buyers and distribute it among incentivized producers,
  • Analyze the market of electrical energy and propose measures for its improvement.

For more information: see

Croatian energy regulatory agency (HERA)

HERA is an autonomous, independent, non-profit public institution responsible for the regulation of energy activities in the Republic of Croatia. The obligations, competences and responsibilities of HERA comply with the Law on the regulation of energy activities, the Energy Law and the respective Laws regulating the performance of single energy activities.

For more information: see

Energy sources

The word energy derives from the Greek word energos which means active. Energy is the characteristic of a system which describes this system's capability to perform some kind of activity. According to the International system of measurement units, to honor the English physicist James Prescott Joule (1818 - 1889), the unit of measurement for energy is called the Joule (J). An important property of energy is that it can neither be created nor destroyed thus the quantity of energy in a closed system is always the same. That feature is defined with the Law of conservation of energy which was first established in the Nineteenth Century.  All the known natural processes and phenomena may be explained by means of a number of different types of energy according to the following definitions: kinetic energy, potential energy, thermal energy, gravity, elasticity, electromagnetism, chemical energy, nuclear energy and mass.

For more information: see